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Bringing the "city bike" outside the city is always a treat!

Picture from a little 50km ride I did at the start of spring 2022! This was one of my first longer rides where I tried hauling more weight in my panniers in preparation for a small bicycle tour I did at the end of summer 2022.

As always when I trust in Google Maps in my pretty rural province, I ended up on an ATV trail (note: this picture was taken after about 2km of completely muddy trail full of tire tracks).

At least my beer felt at home.

  • I really like your handlebars!

    • Haha thanks! They're just no-name cheap cruiser bars from my neighborhood bike shop, but it's been such a big upgrade for city riding to get into a more upright position.

      • I'm going to swap out my drop bars for some Orange Velo Crazy Bars sometime in the fall or next spring I think so I can get one of those up-front kids seats for my kiddo