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Pizza Saturdaycat

What do you think is the best type of pizza? Best pizza you've ever had?

That's the title folks, what's the best pizza? It's time to toss dough.

  • Sorry I'm late. Detroit style pizza would like to throw it's hat into the ring here. The crunch you get out of the crust is unreal, and if you get an 8 corner (large pizza comprised of 2 small square pans) then its game over. I'd recommend Jet's if you've never had it and have one around.

    Along somewhat similar lines, I jumped in on the cast iron skillet pizza craze that started a few years ago. When we we're all in lockdown I'd make a few a day and deliver them to friends. I've gotta say, that I don't think you can make a better pizza at home than a cast iron, and it's possibly the best pizza that there is. You assemble the pizza on a pan that's been thoroughly heated to medium on your stove top, still cooking from below on the burner as the pizza takes shape. You've got 3 minutes to assemble it then put it in your oven (as hot as it gets) for 9-11 minutes.

    The pizza crust is always perfectly done middle to edge and in my experience you can get more toppings on there without the risk of your crust getting wet.

  • Brazilian made Portuguesa and Calabresa, the 1st simply has everything! Cheese, eggs, ham, tomato, sometimes chicken, and an impossible variety of tasty things, you just, it's weirdly delicious lol. The 2nd one is like pepperoni but it tastes completely different, is like my default personal choice for pizza pretty much everytime.

  • NY style pizza home made. I'm from LA and our local pizza is ok but few do it right out here imho. However if we are talking drunk pizza, marcos.