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Kill Six Billion Demons IonAddis

Kill Six Billion Demons » WHEEL SMASHING LORD 2-41 to 2-42

  • I thought, last book, that Nyave was wormed.

    I wonder if that was actually a correct prediction. If it was, and is still the case, perhaps White Chain is trying to root it out without undermining Nyave, but accidentally stepping on her toes anyhow. The internal fighting might very well be different Gog factions fighting, along with non-Gog vs. Gog.

    Also, the frustration with not being listened to because you're not a warrior would very much be in Gog's ballpark. And if Nyave is wormed AND the Factorum, White Chain might be suffering from Gog attacks on the sly without being able to pin it on Nyave.

    I don't really want to see White Chain being corrupted by her key and have that be an arc--although, her eyes/soul being so clearly purple when her spectrum of color was never so purple-dominated before has perhaps been a suggestion of that from the start.

    Unrelated to Nyave and Gog, the Princess here is slightly different than the cover Princess (her eyes here are yellow, not the green-blue of Vigilant Gaze's eyes, and the bondage rope she has on here is not on the cover), so perhaps my theory that Princess and Vigilant Gaze will fuse with one another has not yet happened but will...

    Zaid's looking cute, and although I didn't think Zaid = Zoss was Abbadon's way, I can see why it's a theory. I could see this Zaid growing up into Zoss, I admit.

    Edit: Other vague ideas/theories...Princess isn't a general, maybe she is jealous and gets wormed. (Can devils get wormed?) Since that color is also Gog's color.

    Zaid's dressed like a romance book cover hero (if he was also a hipster)...maybe in the absence of Cio, Allison and Zaid pair up again. I find it interesting that Vigilant Gaze is wearing black. I haven't noticed black being used symbolically in the comic before, so I wonder if it means anything. I've no theories at the moment.

    Edit 2: Gog really just seems to want a friend, but doesn't know how to make friends without taking them over. Nonetheless, being a mass of worms, she has the most experience running a "democracy". I wonder if they will, at some point, have to truly ask for her help and include her--basically, undo Mottom's error by making sure she's included.

    Edit 3: I realized Yis and Un use black and white color symbolism. Looking at the page some more, we seem to see a split between the ones wearing white with their purple--White Chain and Zaid, who were happy to see Allison--and the ones wearing black with their purple (Nyave, Vigilant Gaze, and Princess). Nyave, Vigilant Gaze, and Princess do NOT look happy to see Allison.

    I don't entirely know if this is forewarning for friend vs. foe or simply a Yis/Un split. But I feel sad Vigilant Gaze is maybe in the wrong camp.

    Although if Allison, White Chain, and Zaid have to fight Nyave, Vigilant Gaze, and should be quite a fight.

    (I can see how Princess might hold a grudge against Allison that they simply have been biding their time on.) (And although I don't want to see it, I could see an argument being made for Princess turning Vigilant Gaze's gaze the wrong direction...he really doesn't have as much experience in the human world as White Chain, maybe he's become more of a target for manipulation than he used to be just sitting in the void watching the horizon.)