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Sasquatch Sierra Sounds -1970s - recorded by Ron Morehead & Al Berry

In the early 1970s, Al Berry and his long time friend Ron Morehead went into the woods of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in eastern California and collected a series of Bigfoot vocalizations called the "Sierra Sounds."

Ron and Al are nice guys, and we had a great time when they crashed our spoken word poetry jam fifty years ago. We'd just had a couple of mule deer for dinner, so instead of eating the stringy hippies, we decided to let them hang out until we were hungry again. I never thought they'd made a recording of it all, but hey, nobody knew we'd be online back then.

Of course, these days it's considered a big faux paus to eat anything without fur. The Sasquatch Confederacy frowns on the unsanctioned hunting of endangered species, and given that the humans only have a couple of hundred years left at best, they're on the do not eat list. It's one of our big gripes with the Yeti - those guys love Tibetan food.

Ron's gone on to write quite a few books about it. His latest work is Quantum Bigfoot:

So how does quantum physics relate to spirituality and Bigfoot? In my 45+ years of researching this phenomenon, I’ve heard several very strange reports. A few of these reports, from seemingly heartfelt people, claimed that these creatures disappeared. Is that even possible? Can the laws of quantum physics actually answer that question? Knowing what I know, I’m compelled to delve in and see. The accepted mathematics of quantum physics says that there is more going on than what we see with our three-dimensional eyes.

Scientists now know, through physics, that empty space (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) is not actually empty…however, it is a dimension existing outside of the human light spectrum and the observable vibrational frequency. It seems to me that classical science has restricted itself by its own disciplines and because of those disciplines, will never grasp the big picture. If we use the classical box to try and determine all that exists, we would never begin to understand the cosmos, e.g., the world of spirituality.

The math of quantum physics indicates that there are at least eleven dimensions in existence…possibly innumerable. So, could the laws of quantum physics be the answer to the Bigfoot mysteries? If so, how do we move forward in that possibility?

He's so close and yet so far... makes him fun to tease every decade or so.