I've gone on record saying that Mewgenics is, in a lot of ways, a sequel to The Binding of Isaac, but not in any of the traditional ways. This confuses many. So, I'm going to attempt to break down why, in many ways, Mew is a successor to Isaac and the things I think I failed at with Isaac that I'm i...
Actually to the point, I didn't even have Mewgenics on my radar, but it is now. To be honest, being real-time (and thus skill based) is one of my favorite parts of Isaac, since it allows you to clutch victories even with bad RNG in ways you can't always do with turn based games. Either way I respect him trying something different and will definitely try the new game on pedigree alone.
Interesting too that he's admitted the lack of item info is a regret. I do use "that mod" (the super popular item descriptions mod) and I honestly can't imagine playing again without it, it's just such a nice QoL
Glad eggmund is trying some new things. As much as I’d love to just see a literal “Isaac 2” I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sick of working on the same game (both flash Isaac and RB) on and off for a decade.