About a decade and a half ago, my dad's side would hire a houseboat on the Murray, in Mildura, and we'd spend 2 weeks in the middle of nowhere wakeboarding, skiing, and drinking. My uncle has a ski boat and a tinny, so we'd hook both to the back of the houseboat when we felt like moving.
My uncle and aunt also have a few ski-toys, like an inflatable biscuit, or these blow-up pod things you could sit in and be pulled by the boat. I was by myself on the biscuit thing, and my aunt was driving the ski boat, and she was terrifying. She would do these donuts in the water so the wake would crash into itself and get super high and choppy, and I'm bouncing around holding on for dear life. Then, the wakes coalesced and the biscuit got absolutely launched
When I came back down, I was still holding on, but slowly let go and slid off. Totally done haha!
Here is the pic my dad snapped of me mid-air, during that epic launch:
that's my foot poking out the bottom there hahah
Edit: to clarify, this is meant to be my 'funny story' contribution lol
Epic! Nothing like a crazy boat pilot to make you feel alive (and nervous!). I've gotta do a similar holiday one day, always wanted to go on a house boat.
I defo reccomend it, though I haven't been since highschool. Nowadays, with myself and my cousins being adults, we're lucky if we can organise a weekend on Eildon in the summer haha
But I cherish those memories, nothing but sun, water, and the bush. Bliss.
Cleopatra she should be named, but one of her rescuers named her Ponyo. As her and her son, Calcifer came to me together. changing two cats' names would be pretty hard. I like the names anyway.