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Kill Six Billion Demons IonAddis

Petal Knights? And other musings on White Chain's transformation. Spoilers!

So if 2 Michael is head of the Root Knights, and Metatron the Thorn Knights (and both consider themselves "royalists", devoted to the wheel continuing to turn under the hand of a King, unchanging)...

...and White Chain is something new, a human angel...

Who's in charge of the Petal Knights, like the one on this page? Are they just all anarchists and free spirits, doing what they please?

(And if White Chain is now human, and can do human things like eat and get drunk...can she have kids?)

(I mean...forgive me, is she a "Fruit Knight"? I mean, we have roots, thorns, and petals. And from petals and flowers come fruit, which is the seed of procreation to create a new tree...)

And if White Chain had kids, spreading the white flame, presumably with a human that has the dark flame, will she be mother of a new generation of minor Gods and Goddesses? Or at least powerful vatra? Would the kids have mixed black/white flames, like smaller lopsided Yisuns? I say lopsided because humans are only warm black not hot black, while angels are cold white not cool white. So the offspring would be slightly more weighted towards order than default humans?

Will White Chain be like Metia, founder of a new race of beings? (Could she have a virgin birth, spontaneously becoming pregnant, and breaking her white flame into smaller pieces, because her flame is still white and still immortal and thus indestructible?)

There was foreshadowing early on in the story right around when White Chain ripped her face off, with the angels asking if she wanted to be a "human angel", living, breeding, then dying. Well, she's certainly become human at this point, so perhaps the rest of the foreshadowing will follow? Kids, then death?

I find White Chain's story to be interesting because in Christian/Jewish mythology, at one point in the Old Testament angels did come to the "world of man" and "laid with women" and had half-angel offspring (which supposedly caused some of the problems that led to the flood).

But also, there's this idea in popular culture that dead humans "become angels" and go to heaven. I don't actually think the bible says humans become angels, they're pretty distinctly two different categories of beings, and the only remotely "human" angels were the human-angel hybrids completely wiped out by Noah's flood...but it sure is part of the popular non-canonical myth, that dead humans become angels.

If White Chain is the mother of half-angel humans, those humans might very well return to the void as angels upon death. And perhaps instead of being reborn like the angels currently do, they simply get reborn as humans instead? And if that trait spreads through ALL humans then ALL humans gain a bit of immortal flame and kind of gives rise, also, to the human reincarnation myths in other human religions?

White Chain's "existence" as a human angel provides a route to satisfy all those myths, to align this series' internal mythology with "real world" mythology.

I do wonder, given being human was foreshadowed in KSBD (and immediately paired with "having kids and dying"), WHOM she might have kids with. She is not obviously "paired" with anyone romantically besides from maybe Allison if you consider White Chain tsundre about any attraction she might feel. (There is a scene where Allison being really cute and happy flusters White Chain.) (Or would Abbadon make White Chain get married and have kids off-screen?)

OH. I wonder if this is how angels get behind what Allison might be doing?

An angel constantly reincarnating in human bodies both continues their cycles of immortal rebirths, while making them more interested in what's going on in the human world, since they will walk in it personally. So I wonder if this will align angels with Allison's plan to destroy the wheel?