I'm pretty new to this stuff, so feedback is very appreciated.
Thumbnails are on the left of threads instead of the right.
Media previews are more limited in height.
Media previews are better integrated with their articles.
Favorites (upvotes) and reduces (downvotes) have more contrasting colors.
The boost button turns yellow when clicked.
The magazine name in the header is colored magenta.
Magazine names are more consistently bolded.
Pinned posts are distinguished with a magenta outline.
Links and buttons have a smoother transition when hovered over.
Magazine icons are square and smaller.
A ton of different settings are now available (e.g., toggling features, changing colors).
The subscribe button is magenta when clicked.
The block button is red when clicked.
Your username is colored yellow on your posts and comments.
(Disabled by default) The magazine name on the sidebar is magenta.
(Disabled by default) Inline magazine names are magenta.
Magazine icon size can now be changed in settings.
Whether the magazine stretches with its icon size can be toggled in settings.
The code is (hopefully) compatible with the layout changes rolled out on July 5.
The search and add post buttons now have text.
Image previews have a darker background.
The darker background for image previews differs depending on theme.
In the comments of a thread or post, OP's username is colored magenta.
The text for the search and post icons are properly aligned.
The select channel icon is properly aligned with the other icons.
The show preview button is now colored.
(Disabled by default) The blurred background of thumbnails can be removed.
This style's image preview changes now work with the new kbin update.
The user follow and user block buttons are now colored when clicked.
The text in crossposts is no longer shifted to the right.
The tops of image previews are no longer slightly cut off.
Empty image previews no longer lead to weird thread border stuff.
The new comment marker has been tweaked to work with rounded edges.
The new comment marker has been recolored.
Comments by OP now have a correct left border corresponding to the comment level. [Default Kbin styling has a special border for OP comments, but idkbin disables this since the name is recolored instead.]
Your own comments now have a correct left border corresponding to the comment level. [Default Kbin styling has a special border for your comments & threads, but idkbin disables this since the name is recolored instead.]
Sort options on thread pages and tabs on the magazines/collections page now have icons.
The boost button now has an icon.
The show preview button has been tweaked to look more like a button and is now colored when the preview is active.
The collection subscribe/favorite button is now colored when clicked.
Official collections now have a checkmark next to their names.
Danger buttons (e.g., account deletion, collection deletion) are now recolored.
The new comment marker has been tweaked to work with rounded edges.
The new comment marker can be recolored.
Comment lines are now solid and slightly thicker.
There is now a comment line for descendants of first-level comments.
Toggles and color settings for all of the above have been implemented.
Image previews are now clipped by the bottom rounded edges.
Upvote & downvoting recoloring can now be toggled.
The smooth fade added to many elements by this userstyle can be toggled.
A bug has been fixed which caused fades on different parts of an object to not occur at the same time.
The text next to the search and add icons in the header are now disabled by default.
Probably some other stuff I forgot.
Sort option icons have been added to places where they were missing (e.g., comments, microblog feed).
The tabs on the activity bar (boosts, reduces, and favorites) now have icons.
The scroll-to-top button has been tweaked. This can be toggled in settings.
The scroll-to-top button now fades in and out when the Smooth Fade setting is enabled.
Layer shenanigans caused by my braindead solution to cleaning up the first comment line have been fixed. Hopefully what I have now works as it should.
Users with no avatar now have an icon in comments instead of an empty box. This can be toggled in settings.
An oversight has been corrected that caused the boosts tab on the activity bar of microblog comments to not have an icon.
When viewing the activity of a thread comment, there is now space between it and the activity bar to match when you view activity of other things.
Sort option icons now work correctly with the new sort options on user profile pages.
An oversight has been corrected that caused sort option icons to not work correctly on different page numbers.
An oversight has been corrected that caused official collection checkmarks to be missing in certain places.
The more button has been replaced with an ellipsis icon. This can be toggled in settings.
The no avatar icon is now user-large instead of user-large-slash, as the latter would make more sense for a deleted account.
An oversight has been corrected that caused sort option icons to not work correctly on search and tag pages.
An icon has been added next to the expand/collapse button on microblog posts. This can be toggled in settings.
A visual glitch with comments on certain pages has been fixed.
There are now three options for the microblog post expand/collapse icon: Angles (new default), Carets, or None.
The comment wrap button now has a new icon. There are three options for this in settings: Angles (new default), Carets, or None.
There are now three options for the more button icon: Ellipsis, Lemmy, or None.
The list of boosters in a microblog post now uses a boost icon instead of a plus. This can be toggled in settings.
The dropdown menus in the header (i.e., the add, channel select, and avatar menus) now have icons in them. This can be toggled in settings.
The "None" option for the comment wrap button icon setting has been renamed to "Default".
The dropdown menu from the more button now has icons in it. This can be toggled in settings.
Glad you like it! Options seem nice, though I'll have to look into how to do that.
I learned CSS through a combination of looking at other userstyles, using Inspect to view kbin's CSS, and looking at CSS documentation. I pretty quickly got an idea of how CSS worked and how to learn new stuff. Once you learn the basics of a language, all it takes is a web search or a look through documentation to figure out how to accomplish something.