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Discussion: Favorite Non-Platinum Over the Past Month?

I'm hoping this can be the replacement for /r/trophies? If so, I'd love to start contributing here. Maybe we can get a discussion going to try to build the community? I haven't earned any platinums recently, but I have earned a few bronze/silver/gold trophies in a bunch of different games, and I'm betting a lot of others have too. To that end, over the last month or so, what have been your favorite non-platinum trophies, and why? Try to avoid posting spoilers for story-based trophies, but other than that, let me hear your favorites!

  • I can start. By far, my favorite earned this month was "Get Up, Mr. Bubbles" in Rocket League. I've been playing Rocket League for years now. I'm not very good at the game, but it's the perfect "easy to learn, hard to master" type of game with short matches great for people with limited free time. I got the platinum years ago, but I still play all the time because the gameplay is so much fun.

    For this specific DLC trophy, you have to score an Aerial goal on a specific map: Aquadome. Scoring Aerial goals is difficult: You have to launch your car high into the air, hit the ball at the perfect angle, and hope it heads right for the goal. Across hundreds of games over the years, I only had 4 aerial goals, none of which were on that map. While playing a week or two ago though, the ball ricocheted high above the goal, so I decided to go for the aerial. Somehow, I connected and scored. Teammates and opponents both started spamming "Wow" into the chat, and the trophy popped. I wasn't expecting it at all, but it was pretty cool to earn one of the DLC trophies I assumed would forever stay locked. According to PSN Profiles, there's now a nearly 3 year gap between my first trophy and my last. It's only a silver trophy, but it's one of the rarer silvers in the game with only 9.9% achieving it on PSN Profiles.

  • I like any trophies that make you play the game differently or with a fun twist. Something that you normally wouldn’t do on a regular play through.

    Only use one weapon, don’t pick up x item, no upgrades, speed runs, knife only runs, etc..

    They aren’t trophies per se but the gold bolts and skill points from the old Ratchet and Clank games are my gold standard for interesting challenges.