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World Cup Final Vs Millwall

It's going to be interesting to see just how far woman's football has come on Sunday, With the refusal of the EFL and Sky changing the kick off time by 45 minutes, which lets face it wouldn't be difficult, fans have a few choices to make.

    1. Stay away and watch the final.
    1. Watch first half in Pub and get to ground for kick off.
    1. Go to ground early watch game and then watch second half.
    1. Go to the game and just keep looking at the phone.
    1. Watch the Millwall game and just ignore the final " Ah it's only girls kicking a ball it's not proper football" (not my opinion!!!!!)

I'm almost lucky as the choice has been taken away from me as I'm away working so have no choice but watch the matches on TV, luckily I can watch both at the same time!

I do wonder however if this had been the mens final what would have happened. I know we would have been on an international break and all of that but it still just seems that the equality isn't quite there yet. It's getting there and the fact that it's now televised and makes the front pages is brilliant but more of course still needs to be done. Maybe it's time for the NCFC ladies team to get a bit more promotion through the club and even remind us supporters that there are two teams?

Or maybe the groundsman could unfortunately not be able to find the goals until late in the morning delaying kick off by let's say 1 hour? Just a thought.-