I accidentally got addicted to eletriptan last Summer. It's been the only drug that has consistently helped against my migraines, but a side effect of the drug, ironically, can be more headaches/migraines. Once I realized what was going on, I stopped cold turkey, and I had a rough few weeks. Now I only take it when absolutely necessary, like once a month, and things have been much better.
Good luck with managing your headaches. Tracking information like this is super useful. I'd encourage anyone suffering from headaches too try it.
Headaches can be a bitch and I wish you all the best that you get rid of them.
I luckily am 99% headache free except every 3-4 years I have cluster headache episodes that last around a month (usually late spring / early summer) with up to two attacks a day and 1-4 hours per attack with indescribable pain.
That's a really nice overview. What are you using?
I admire your perseverance. My tracking has been rather inconsistent the last couple of months as I've been either in too much pain to track or had so few and light headaches I didn't think it was necessary. Though consistent tracking seems to be the only way to identify triggers. It's nice you have an idea of yours by now. Good luck working on/with them and all the best to you!
I found a Google charts API to draw the calendar using html and JavaScript (I mostly copied the script).
I've been writing the data in a Google doc in CSV format and copy/pasting to a CSV file. (Google sheets would have been better, and can export directly to CSV).
Rather than learn how to load the data from a file, I decided to make a regex script in a bash script to convert the CSV data to JavaScript and insert it directly into the html file. I'm now confident that this was the hard way.
Once the html file is updated, I take a screenshot of the calendar. I didn't like the default legend in the top right, so I used paint to make it easier to understand.
Finally I copied the file to my phone and used Google photos to saturate the colours.