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What case keeps you coming back?

What post do you just have to keep reading and searching about, maybe hoping for an update or convinced the official judgement is wrong and you feel there is another suspect out there. For me I come back to the West Memphis 3 and still keep trying to get more information to try and figure out the right suspects. Also the The Springfield 3 what happened to them, how did they get all 3 out of the home, will we ever get to the bottom of it? Please share your cases or theories.

  • Mr Cruel, same as EAR/ONS they always had a lot of detail to go on but it never quite connected (except they got GSK/EAR/ONS through DNA)

    Tara Calico - I heard rumblings of a break in case but that was month ago.

  • the idaho4/idaho murders. it's weirdly like a mystery novel playing out day by day. completely crazy, yet you keep turning the pages hoping to get to the answers. i don't think they have the right suspect, but the whole case is so FUBAR... some days you try to take an overview, or one subset of 'facts' (for example, the 'official' ones) and to come to some logical deductions, and you just end up wondering if the crime even happened, if these people existed. which, presumably, allegedly, it did and they did, but... 🤷

    • There is little more frustrating than a messed up case where you have no idea who/what to believe. I will be reading up on this one for sure thank you for posting.

  • Rey Rivera - Jumped, fell or was pushed from a hotel and fell through a rooftop. Jon Benet Ramsey - I still feel like it was the brother or dad... Hard to know. Gilgo Beach Bodies - That's crazy. Could be multiple killers dumping in the same area.

    • Jon Benet Ramsey is a really annoying one it does just seem that no one involved wanted it solved, for whatever reason, it was such a disaster from start to finish and although im never gonna stop hoping that little girl gets some justice, I really dont think she ever will. Also thanks although ive vaguely heard of the Gilgo Beach Bodies i have never really looked into it and it looks like a great rabbit hole to dive down.

      • Yeah I agree. Had to be an inside job of some sort. It's like the Maddie McCann thing over here. Some cases are massive and just destined to never be solved.

        Yeah Gilgo is creepy. There's a movie and everything. I forget what it's called. Lost Girls maybe? Holly from "The Office" is the main actress. I loved these crime shows and stuff but unsolved cases plays havoc with my OCD 😂 I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!!