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How to remove a single button from the tool bar?

Because of copyright laws in my country, I want to get rid of the option to upload images on my instance.

I thought it would be the fastest way to just remove the "upload image" icon from the tool bar. But it's harder than I thought, because I can't find it...

I've installed Lemmy with ansible and it runs with docker containers.

How can I get rid of this icon or even better, the function to upload an image?

I already tried to stop the pictr container, but this avoids uploading icons/banner for communites and thumbnails for new posts will not be generated, which is a no go.

I only want to get rid of the upload option while creating a new post.

Thanks a lot for your help :)

  • Use the inspect button in your browser and you can pinpoint it in the html which will help you pinpoint it in the actual component.

    Be aware though this isn’t shutting off functionality. Just hiding the functionality. People could still upload directly though api calls

    • That's what I did, but to be honest I can't find any HTML files in the docker container or in /srv/lemmy.

      Where exactly can I find the html file?

      I tried following command:

      docker exec -it lemmyutopifyorg_lemmy-ui_1 find . -iname "*" | xargs grep "upload image" 2> /dev/null

      The problem is, that I could only find translation files, but no html files.

      • I have no idea how the app is built I hate to say, Ive never looked at it. Was just giving some general advice. If I get some time I'll dig a bit sounds fun

  • This will hide the button from display so it cannot be clicked on.

    document.querySelector("[data-tippy-content='upload image']").style.display = "none";

    • What exactly should I do with this command? Where should I put it in?

      • To test it you can just put it into the browser console (F12), but adding it to an instance will require it to be added to a javascript file that's loaded and run on page open.

        It's not the most ideal way of removing the feature, but it depends on what you're needing your instance to do. If it's just a personal instance, then I guess you could just run this line via a browser extension such as Greasemonkey, which would remove it in your client browser (not on the instance itself).