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Songs of the Week - June 19, 2023

Hoping to start a weekly thing where we can share the music we’ve been obsessing over for the last week with each other…and hopefully discover some cool new stuff along the way!

So, share some songs you have just discovered and been playing on repeat, songs you have always loved, or just songs you can’t seem to get out of your head right now! Tell us what you like about them, and maybe you can get some recommendations of new stuff along the way!

Here are a couple of mine:

Time and Place by Queens of the Stone Age - this is a highlight for me off their new record. It’s super funky and different than a lot of what they’ve done before. Would be killer live!

Flamethrower by King gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - I think this is my favorite off their new program metal record. Every band member is on fire on this track and it sounds great. If you’re a metal fan, give this record a spin!

  • Love this idea. Flamethrower is great, not sure how it manages to be so clean and sharp!

    I've had this track Impossible Game from Nicolette Macleod's YouTube going round my head since I first heard it. It's just a rough recording/sketch not a finished song yet, but it's been lodged in my brain, really want to hear a big version of it. I listen to her album on loop while working too, favourite track is Mechanical Animal.

    It's not my normal style but San Narciso by Faded Paper Figures is a wonderful blend of feel good, subtle physics jokes and electronica that I get visuals from when I listen to it. Also a great album, worth checking out if you like the first track.