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Informed Tankie afellowkid

Audio interview about post WWII Japan, evolution of Japan's right wing, destruction of Japan's labor movement, background of Shinzo Abe, US influence in Japan & East Asia politics then & now Who Was Shinzo Abe and Why Was He Assassinated?

Former prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe was assassinated last week. He was a leader of the country’s ultra-conservative movement and one of Japan’s most powerful political figures. Some have even re

Who Was Shinzo Abe and Why Was He Assassinated?

Interview covers a range of issues in post-WWII Japan up to the present day, with a focus on the development of Japan's right wing and the influence of the US in helping develop the Japanese right wing, such as by enabling Japanese war criminals to enter into politics. Also discusses the destruction of the Japanese labor movement/left wing via paid gangsters and talks about the high amount of CIA activity in Japan and the background of Shinzo Abe and his associated political party. Covers present-day international politics in regard to Japan as well as some internal political issues of Japan, and finally touches on the assassination of Abe.

For someone who wants an overview of Japan's recent history, I think this interview can serve as a good jumping off point for looking more deeply into the various topics they mention.