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Police in Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia detain more than 20 teachers for refusing mandatory salary cut, local authorities deny News: Police in Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia detain more than 20 teachers for refusing mandatory salary cut, local authorities deny - Addis Standard

A high school teacher in Kellem Wollega zone ©Addis Standard-screenshot/Archive Addis Abeba - Police have detained more than 20 teachers who raised questions over a government scheme that deducts some amount of money from their salaries, in Lalo Qile district of Kellem Wollegga zone, in […]

News: Police in Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia detain more than 20 teachers for refusing mandatory salary cut, local authorities deny - Addis Standard

“In 2021 we gave 100 percent of our one month salary to be deducted over a year for [PM Abiy Ahmed’s] ’Dine for Ethiopia’ program. In 2022 we did the same for the construction of zonal Prosperity Party office. Now for the third year they asked as to do the same for construction of the zone’s culture and tourism office and we refused stating that inflation has already made our lives difficult,” a teacher said.