You should know there's a font designed to make reading easier, especially for people with low vision. It's called Atkinson Hyperlegible Next. It's free for personal and commercial use.
You should know there's a font designed to make reading easier, especially for people with low vision. It's called Atkinson Hyperlegible Next. It's free for personal and commercial use.
Read easier with Atkinson Hyperlegible Font, crafted for low-vision readers. Download for free and enjoy clear letters and numbers on your computer!

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Note that there still have been no studies on its efficacy. At worst, it is a great font to avoid ambiguity between characters.
There's also a font for people who have dyslexia :
Thanks, perfect addition to that usecase
That's a really nice font.
They can fuck right off with the email registration for downloading it.
This is one of those bogus sign-up forms. You can enter a completely fake email and the page will just give you the download link.
Still annoying, but you can get the font with pretty little effort.
When the time has come for me to use the font, I would just enter a 1 minute mail like the ones you find when googling qwanting "trashmail"
Exactly what I'll be doing.
That's pretty slick