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Bonobo - Transmission 94 (Parts 1 & 2)

Simon Green known as Bonobo, this track from his Days to Come Album released in 2006. From mostly sequenced beats and samples in part 1 it transforms, trancends in part 2 to something very liberating, don’t know exactly how to express it.

  • I first came across Bonobo from the Shoutcast station MonkeyRadio (, and he was one of the ones I kept coming back to. So glad he kept making music. It’s great stuff.

    • I got to know him from the Sleeping Dogs game. After that I have been collecting all his albums. My wife loves his music as well, we play his albums often. Monkeyradio still around?

      • Unfortunately, it went offline ages ago. I’ve pretty much gotten all the artists from it that I really loved. P