I decided to start a list of links as I thought that there was no collection of links. We should collect links and images relating to 50501. Please share this list around. If you want to save this repo to your hard drive, click the view source button and copy. Give suggestions to add or edit to the list, via replies or messages, description is not required but appreciated.
50501 Protest in every state capitol! Find actions/virtual actions, Flyer templates so you can edit to include details, and some other resources.
Indivisible Find local groups and find actions to take here. Founded in response to Trump's election. Sign up with your Email and Zip code to receive actions you can take locally. You can also file a form to start organizing in your own area.
Build The Resistance Find actions, resources, and a hub of content you can contribute to anonymously. /resources contains links to training, mutual aid, know your rights, and a table of user submitted links just like this one.
Mobilize Events/Actions, Petitions, Volunteering, Virtual events, Organizations, and Groups, in one page.
Women’s March An organization by feminists. There is an action hub where you can find protests, digital actions, and a People's Toolkit, where you fill out a survey of issues you care about so they can find stuff for you.
Stand Up for Science Find protests, local rallies, and local events, to stand up for science. Contains a link to protest safety too, and in the FAQs is a Google Drive for flyers and square images.
Americans United Dedicated to the separation of church and state, which means they have to fight Project 2025, which they have a page on. Click on the "GET INVOLVED" button to find events and volunteer.
Protesting Areas:
The Big List of Protests Straight to the point, protest flyers submitted by users, in the main page. You can add your own flyer and be able to sort by state and date.
Activist Handbook "The Wikipedia for activists." Contains a wealth of knowledge, from becoming an activist to starting your own movement.
Choose Democracy Contains a list of what you can do to stop the Administrative Coup. Tells you to organize, pressure, and devote to a long term plan by picking 1 of 4 paths, by that order.
Shop Blue (Google Doc) Regularly updated list of brands that have donated to Democrats. You want to buy from the blue and gray backgrounds, or even green.
Home Actions:
5 Calls Helpful website and App that finds your representatives and gives you a script so you can call them on an issue that matters to you.
FaxZero Send free faxes to people, especially your representatives if they are ignoring your calls, which on the home page is links to a list of representatives you can fax to.
https://www.project2025.observer/ A website tracking the progress of the Project 2025 agenda, something Trump said he had no involvement with, yet, many of these policies are being implemented right now.
https://50501.chat/post/25853 Proof that Trump is doing what Hitler did to gain power and detain minorities to concentration camps.
Accusation in a mirror AKA "Every accusation is a confession." One of the tactics the GOP is using.
Election Truth Alliance A non-profit researching the 2024 election results, which they say they have found concerning patterns. You can volunteer to sign up, and there are resources for flyers, actions, and others.
I decided to add a version number so you know when it updates. I mean, you could just look at the last updated time but this could work for better visibility.
I want to also start listing political media backups like the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil and turnout pictures but not sure how to go about it. Should I use catbox?
I have not been keeping up with images... also I think at least someone may be doing it if they are more involved in this movement than me. Regardless, lets all try to save whatever we can, since some people may have posted it in only one location and not to any organizers.