Doubt, fortunately. The extremists will largely never be turned, but most Trump supporters are moderates who care more about their own well-being than solidarity with the group. Mussolini is a great example of how an idiot dictator can quickly fragment his supporters and end up in the streets
Sure, but most of Trump's voters did vote for him for a reason: their lives got noticeably harder under Biden. When their lives get even worse under Trump, they'll vote for another change of party.
The cultists waving Trump flags and buying Trump teddy bears and reading Trump bibles are fueled by identity politics, but the idea that the average Trump voter is one of those cultists is a lie that Trump would very much like you to believe
It's frightening how many people on "our" side are willing to simply believe that half the country is irredeemably evil by nature and not just taken in by a smooth talking conman after having been abused by the system for decades.
Ignorant is not the same as evil. Ignorance can be fixed. It's easier to just write people off but it doesn't solve anything unless you're really eager for another civil war.