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Cuba Anarcho-Bolshevik

Fighting fire with solidarity Fighting fire with solidarity

These are especially bitter days to be living in the United States for those of us who are communists, socialists, progressives, even those remotely left of center.  The killing of Roe v. Wade and the state subjection of women and anyone who can get pregnant to the role of breeding animals. Th...

Fighting fire with solidarity

The failure of old equipment, the lack of access to replacement equipment, the squeeze on the nation’s economy and the difficulty in acquiring replacement fuel — all of these problems are the direct result of the infamous economic war the U.S. has waged against Cuba since 1961 — a blockade that continues to this day.

But because of Cuba’s principle of “solidarity not charity,” which has sent hundreds of medical missions and assistance to other countries against the depredations of imperialism, Cuba will get the help it needs after the calamitous fire.

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro said, as he pledged to help rebuild the damaged terminal: “Cuba knows that it can count on our scientific, technical, engineering and worker support.” Maduro affirmed Cuba would always have “the support of the peoples of the world and of the compassionate, courageous and human-centered governments.” (, Aug. 17)

Mexico sent firefighters; the Dominican Republic sent 40 tons of medical aid, and Russia sent a tanker with 700,000 barrels of crude oil, the equivalent of half of what Cuba lost.

Many U.S.-based organizations, including IFCO/Pastors for Peace, Puentes de Amor and Code Pink sent solidarity. Workers World Party raised funds to send to Cuba to be used for medical supplies for those injured in the catastrophic fire.