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Cuba Anarcho-Bolshevik

‘Cuba will never renounce its socialist system of social justice’ — Speech by Cuban Ambassador to U.N. ‘Cuba will never renounce its socialist system of social justice’ – Speech by Cuban Ambassador to U.N.

New York City The following slightly edited talk was given by Ambassador Gerardo Peñalver, the Permanent Representative of Cuba at the United Nations and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, at a solidarity event held July 29 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the assaults on the Moncada

‘Cuba will never renounce its socialist system of social justice’ – Speech by Cuban Ambassador to U.N.

We were able to offer to the world the solidarity that Washington did not give to the Cuban people with our medical brigades, in the worst moments of the pandemic.

We are pleased that Cuba was able to successfully develop three homegrown COVID-19 vaccines, as well as immunize its pediatric population as of two years of age and vaccinate more than 90 percent of Cubans, in spite of the blockade.

As is known, the government of Cuba has expressed its willingness to move towards a better understanding with the government of the United States and to foster civilized and cooperative relations, based on mutual respect and without prejudice to the sovereignty of the United States.

We will continue to promote and facilitate the broadest possible ties with numerous sectors of this country that want to get closer to Cuba.