We are 5 years to the day from the last pre-Covid event I went to, a baby shower. People from NYC were there too and I spent the next two weeks worried they somehow infected my clothes or something that was going to get me later because we had no idea how it spread.
The death of the monoculture in the 00s and not having an acceptable way to describe the decades since (And if you think the 20s is acceptable, tell me what actually comes to mind when you hear that? it's the 1920s if you're honest) has really spread time into one homogeneous lump, we didn't skip 2 yeas as much as they continued the trend of being the same as everything before them and even the most extreme situation couldn't break it.
Depending on the context if someone says 20's it's pretty obvious what they mean by it. I personally say 20's for the current decade and 1920's for the previous one, because it's much less likely I'm going to be talking about the 1920's
The pandemic had been a bane to my personal life. But on the one hand, it forced me to stay with my folks for a little while and it proved to be smart in hindsight because I made huge savings before finally moving out of home.