[Bug Report] Inbox tab notification icon disappears if app is open when phone runs out of charge
Had Arctic open in the background, with 4 unread messages and the corresponding icon on my Inbox tab, when my phone ran out of charge earlier today. When I recharged the phone and returned to Arctic (opened it with the 'currently open app list' UI), the icon was missing, but returned after I went to the Inbox tab and opened the unread messages menu.
The badge is usually cached, but since it's updated frequently, it is not written to the on disk cache except when Arctic is closed. The badge is supposed to update automatically when launching Arctic, or changing accounts. However it looks like at some point I removed the initial update on launch. So the badge still updates, but not for about 30 seconds after opening the app, or like you noticed when opening the inbox tab.
I'll fix this in today's update to add the initial update back in so it will fetch the unread count immediately.