@NormalPersonNumber3 I went ahead and created [email protected]. Is there a common place people go to obtain frameworks/libraries etc? I want to add some resources to the side bar.
Is there a common place people go to obtain frameworks/libraries etc?
The main package management solution for C#, Visual Basic, F#, (and other .NET compatible languages) is Nuget, of which the the largest and most popular site for Nuget packages is Nuget.org. It's usage is built into both .Net command line tools as well as the most commonly used IDEs for C#. (Visual Studio Community, Professional, and Enterprise; as well as JetBrain's Rider)
I also recently learned of another package manager solution as well, called Paket, but that may be fairly niche, and not as well known. So that's up to you, honestly.
That's not a bad list to include. But Nuget.org is most definitely the most important place to include. (It's possible that other public Nuget sites exist, but I've never needed to go elsewhere)
Thanks! I saw nuget in my search results last night and didn't think to click on it. I've added it to the sidebar. Would you like to moderate the !csharp_programming community?
Sure, I do not mind for now. I don't have a lot of time to do so, but there's not many subscribers at the moment, so I can probably handle it for the foreseeable future. I'll try to let you know if that changes.