I'm sympathetic to the idea of castrating rapists (well except for that I'm still against it for the same reason as the death penalty, wrongful convictions happen just a little too often for such permanence), but that's not what they said. They said..
Cool. Maybe women should band together and perform vasectomies castrations on any man they choose.
Quid pro quo.
..without regard for conviction or even accusation of rape, just "hey look balls, lemme cut these off." Why would I be sympathetic to that? It's just gender based wanton violence and that person is a danger to others and should be involuntarily commited.
Not just feel like, they are extremely different terms, to the point where I'd barely call a vasectomy a punishment (it is a punishment only in the sense that they are prevented producing offspring and their junk will hurt for a few days), considering many men (including myself) voluntarily have the operation.
Ofc they are different terms. As I said men get upset when women say they should be castrated for raping women, which is why I said vasectomy instead. Some days I just don't wanna battle over dumb shit like that.
Actually you said "any man they choose" not "for raping people." That's quite a difference, unless you're operating under the assumption that all men have raped people and so "any man you choose" and "rapists" are synonymous to you, but you wouldn't mean that, right?
That's good to see you only mean rapists though, because I've been raped twice by two different women, and the law in my area requires penetration so by law they cannot be convicted of rape (at most "Sexual Assault" charges), so you support me mutilating their genitals extra judiciously so they don't do it again too, because the government makes raping me legal, right? Why not?
How did you get "women are being irresponsible" out of "women are being legally raped in their own marriage"?
The whole reason this was in the news is because a woman took responsibility and reported the man for rape... Who was then set free because marital rape isn't a crime in India for some reason.
But I'm assuming you're not gonna understand the context here.
Fear is an extremely powerful motivator. I'm going to assume you haven't had to deal with that personally before, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but fear in these situations can absolutely cause people to defend their abusers, else they get beaten and/or raped again for not "taking his side". My wife was in that situation in her last marriage; if he wanted sex, she could either just go with it so she didn't get beaten, or she could say "no", at which point he would get angry and rape her anyway.
Being isolated with zero support system and then being shamed (like you're doing) for just trying to survive is what keeps those women in those situations.
They shouldn't be getting with these abusers in the first place. Most women end up in these situations because they value the wrong things.
I go back to my point of "there are plenty of women who are okay with this because their husbands who support it are making money and buying them things."
They chose these relationships. The sooner we can educate more women on why their reasoning for getting with these people is flawed, the sooner we can stop it from happening.
Nobody is holding a gun to their head saying "hey, marry this dickbag!" It's usually for social clout, i.e. he buys them things they can show off to their peers.
I'll give you one more chance to quit moving the goalposts.
In most of these situations, the abuser is putting on a face. This happened to me, so I speak from experience. I married a wonderful woman, and over time she became more controlling, snappier, wanted me to spend less and less time with my parents/siblings/friends until any mention of them made her angry, etc, etc... To the point that I was isolated completely with no support system when the violence started.
Point is, the person that becomes the abuser rarely shows their true colors until the victim is already heavily invested, especially when they're "trapped" with kids or other things.