This is why the cloud was a bad idea for so many use cases in the first place. Security and privacy are often things that aren't considered nearly as carefully as they should be... This kind of threat could have been foreseen.
Lol, that you think that this is just laziness. Some people got some very sweet deals. Just have a look at the LiMux project. Microsoft is really good at this; goole and co. won't be that much worse at it. They know how to influence the right people.
There actually are systems in place for this. However, if the dutch chose to not host their own cloud service, made by a tech giant, thats on bloody them haha. This is perfectly possible to do if youre a government.
And dont get me wrong btw, i believe every government should host their own cloud service because being reliant on an international company to do your hosting ( besides the software ) is baaaaaad