What incoherent rambling. The author claims that the problem with America is that... People don't move where they live often anymore? This has allegedly been a decline since 1985, and the reason for it is... Progressives? Despite them never being more than a minority wing of the opposition party (the Dems have only had control of the Presidency and both houses of Congress for a few months in 2011- other than that the entire 40 year time span had at least one of those controlled by Republicans, and the Supreme Court has been conservative that entire time)
I kept on scrolling and skimming to try to find the authors reasoning for how progressives caused this and why it is bad, but eventually gave up after going through walls of text. The author listed a bunch of stats relating to the "decline" of society which included declines in church membership and birth rate... I'm not convinced either of those are bad things. They also mentioned that diversity and inclusion are somehow bad without going into detail.
So either incoherent rambling of someone with brain damage (maybe a stroke similar to Fetterman?) or just paid-for GOP propaganda.