Working out isn’t the primary path to losing weight, though it is of course a big part of staying healthy.
You burn quite a lot of calories in a day just from being alive. The additional calories you’d burn from a brisk 20 minute walk might about to one cookie. It’s far easier to just not eat the cookie.
That’s perfectly okay as long as the ratio of 20 minutes per cookie is understood.
OP has a goal to lose weight though, not just stand still. And with the busy schedule they described, 40 minutes of exercise is hard to fit in, whereas not eating 2 cookies takes no time, and if anything puts time back in your day.
OP’s stated goal is to lose weight and I’m just commenting on that basis. I like cookies too.
In real life I’m hardly a proponent of skipping life’s rich pleasures. But if weight loss is the goal, a little restraint is a hell of a lot more practical than a lot of exercise.
That's interesting. I'd guess my career keeps me "fairly" fit then? I average 8,000 steps per shift, and sometimes I do "reps" with ratches and other word nonsense. (Mechanic)
This is all good info though, I had 0 knowledge about anything when asking my original question. I didn't know there were even multiple types of fat on your body.