For those who are interested in learning about some of the truth of Ukrainian nationalists, and how they were involved in Euromaidan and how Putin spun them up into something that was (a) Neo-Nazi and (b) definitely super important for politics in Ukraine:
They currently have 0.00% of the government in Ukraine, and they don’t even like involvement with the EU, they just hated Putin’s involvement enough to get involved with some pretty EU-aligned politics in Ukraine which then eventually won the revolution.
Edit: Clearly it is, it took him 35 minutes from my posting this message to him "innocently" replying randomly to one of my posts, using an alt I haven't blocked yet. Dude has problems. I've now blocked the new alt.
This reeks of protection money. At least Joey and Paulie were smart enough to wait for Vinny and his crowbar to leave the bodega before asking for a payment.