Oh, so it actually is GNU operating system. And the thing that I'm using is then Linux operating system, with some GNU tooling. So the quotation is not only overly pedantic, but also wrong.
The version with Linux, we call “GNU/Linux.” It is OK to call it “GNU” when you want to be really short, but it is better to call it “GNU/Linux” so as to give Torvalds some credit.
I suggest we call it Linux for short. Good thing you can use Linux without GNU.
Update: New definition for the Linux trademark and related terms!
As Linux is enjoying wider adoption among less technically inclined individuals, we are making changes to what we call the project and key components to make referring to them more straightforward and avoid gatekeeping.
Major changes:
Meaning in versions up to 6
Meaning in versions 7 and up
LT's project of an open-source OS kernel
OS based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities
Linux kernel
LT's project of an open-source OS kernel
Linux without GNU
OS based on the Linux kernel without GNU utilities
OS based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities
Linux distro
Specific OS distribution based on the Linux kernel
Specific OS distribution based on the Linux kernel with GNU utilities
Please make sure to update corresponding API calls and documentation when upgrading to kernel 7.x. You will be able to use deprecated terms during support periods on kernel versions 6.x.
I get that it's a bit dated and newer more feature-rich tools are available now, but what's with all the hate for transmission? It was plenty fine until qbitorrent came around.