They nabbed him partially because it can be hailed as great success againt the corruption, but in reality it's just tip of the tip of the tip of entire iceberg, but the real reason was that what could psychiatrist even take the bribes for? Of course for excluding people from draft, which is a big no-no now.
I know you've all been fed a lot of pro Ukrainian propaganda over the past few years but to think they're not a bunch of shifty cunts is naïve beyond belief 😂
They've always been dodgy as fuck, even Ukrainians will admit that lol
Ukraine is actively trying to battle their corruption, with this being a step towards that end, however small.
Meanwhile Russia is famously more corrupt than Ukraine, has been since long before Maidan, attempted to pervert Ukraine’s elections to install a corrupt leader under their control, and then invaded in an attempt to expropriate Ukrainian land and resources when that attempt failed.
The war is failing on Ukraine's end? Why do oil refineries and storage facilities explode deep in Russian territory on a weekly basis if Ukraine is losing?
Because 1) they’re losing territory more quickly now than ever, 2) they’re running out of people to kidnap off the streets and shove to the front lines, and 3) the US is about to leave them holding the bag[1][2]. Russia is the largest country in the world by a long shot and over 6,000 miles deep. All Ukraine can do is make pockmarks on its western edges.