A security researcher made a tool that let them quickly check which of Cloudflare's data centers had cached an image, which allowed them to figure out what city a Discord, Signal, or Twitter/X user might be in.
An issue with Cloudflare allows an attacker to find which Cloudflare data center a messaging app used to cache an image, meaning an attacker can obtain the approximate location of Signal, Discord, Twitter/X, and likely other chat app users. In some cases an attacker only needs to send an image across the app, with the target not clicking it, to obtain their location.
Signal, an open-source encrypted messaging service, is widely used by journalists and activists for its privacy features. Internally, the app utilizes two CDNs for serving content: cdn.signal.org (powered by CloudFront) for profile avatars and cdn2.signal.org (powered by Cloudflare) for message attachments.
Agreed. Privacy is always a balance between your threat model and useability. If your general location is enough to put you in danger, hopefully you're already aware of how your data is being sent over the various networks and have measures in place to stay safe.
For most people, knowing very generally where they are isn't especially useful information to anyone with an interest in surveillance.
Not even guaranteed to be the closest data center. It’s not completely out of the ordinary for there to be a faster route available to a data center farther away.
On the one hand, deanonimization attacks are never entirely avoidable on unhardened targets and this one isn't particularly sophisticated and leaks relatively little information.
On the other hand deanonimization attacks are always bad and it's a good reminder to people of the risks they are taking. This is also slightly non-obvious behavior, even if it makes sense to the technically competent, as something like an IP grabber normally requires user interaction such as clicking a link. It's also a vector that CF might be able to mitigate by patching the ability to query a given cache directly.
I don't want to be a contrairian, but your cellphone carrier does this non stop. Cloudflare is not a good company, but this is the least of your problems.
I'm not trying to wear a tinfoil hat, but Snowden clearly revealed that the government is easily able to purchase cellphone location data based on GPS and tower data more easily than they can go through the FISA courts.
Another reason to not use Cloudflare. Not that long ago they also "lost the log records" (this incident happened on November 14, 2024). I strongly believe the internet can become better without Cloudflare, especially now basically the whole world is depending on it.
I also have no idea why is down voting me lol. But you are 100% right. Could you imagine in the year 2000 that everything needs to behind Cloudflare in 2025 in order to have a functional internet? This shit is indeed wild.
Sorry to see so many people still down vote me. What is wrong with you? The internet has become a joke. Moving all to cloudflare will only make the problem worse.