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Boycotts evenwicht

boycott the GOP and Trump by boycotting ALEC members (AmEx, Anheuser Busch, Boeing, Bose, Chevron, FedEx, Motorola, Sony, … etc)

Inspired by acquisition of power yesterday by a corrupt tyrant and his possie of xenophobic chronies, people should be reminded that the voting is not over because you can vote in the consumer market every day for the next 4 years. Everyone in the world can participate in this voting process (despite ALEC’s effort to reduce democracy).

ALEC¹ is the extreme right lobby and bill mill. This org writes bills for Congress conservatives to:

  • reduce environmental protection and neuter the EPA
  • fight immigration, push xenophobia
  • proliferate and privatize prisons
  • privatize education
  • reduce public healthcare
  • reduce tax regs (individual & corp)
  • neuter the CFPB
  • suppress voting (e.g. tightening id rules)
  • weaken labor unions
  • reduce gun control
  • mask corporate tampering in politics

They have a close hand-in-hand relationship with the NRA and they finance republican war chests.

These are some of the well-known ALEC members, all of whome I boycott:

  • AmEx (American Express)
  • Anheuser Busch
  • Boeing ← also rampant safety scandals
  • Bose
  • Century Link
  • Charter Communications
  • Chevron ← also caught financing the cloakroom project to hide meetings between republican politicians and corporations; also uses AI from Microsoft to find oil
  • Farmers/Foremost
  • FedEx ← also known to ship shark fins, hunting trophies, and slave dolphins
  • Geico
  • LMG (Liberty Mutual/Safeco)
  • Marlboro (Philip Morris)
  • Motorola ← also equips the Israeli Defense Forces
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • PNC bank
  • Sony ← also caught using GPL code in their DRM code
  • State Farm
  • Texaco
  • TimeWarner (Spectrum)
  • UPS

Most of these ALEC members finance ALEC particularly for its anti-union lobby. But it’s a package deal. They finance thw whole of ALEC and all its activity.

There was also a “grab your wallet” project to track all Trump’s assets for boycotting Trump directly, but I don’t know if that’s being updated anymore. There is a link to a google docs spreadsheet (yikes!) but I think it’s a decade old by now.

¹American Legislative Exchange Council