Electronic engineers will know that 1, 1, 8 is closer but will go for 1, 1, 6.8 because they are in the E6 series and that will save 0.1 cents per device.
x = 36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579
y = 154476802108746166441951315019919837485664325669565431700026634898253202035277999
z = 4373612677928697257861252602371390152816537558161613618621437993378423467772036
This is apparently the smallest solution.
The derivation of the solution itself requires an understanding of Diophantine equations and elliptical curves, which I will not pretend to understand well enough to summarize.
I have to admit, my solution is not correct anyways. I simply found a "solution" for which the margin of error is smaller than the calculator's level of precision.