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League of Legends Blaze (he/him)

League Of Legends Player Estimates That It Takes 882 Hours To Unlock A New Champion - Is anyone else considering quitting because of this? /league-of-legends-lol-player-estimates-it-takes-882-hours-to-unlock-new-champion/
  • Unrelated but I just got banned today. It was worth it though. I can live a good life for two weeks at least.

    • Do you play any other moba?

      • No. It's the only "toxic" multiplayer game I play. More time to play worthwhile games at least.

        Thank you, Riot.

        edit: Okay, maybe I'll just rant a bit. The new season changes are terrible. It's too snowbally. Everyone is rushing to get First Blood and First Tower. Then if the team who gets Feats of Strength gets Atakhan too, it's practically over. Pair that with 3 votes for surrendering, the game is done before anyone touches an inhibitor. Nobody tries to make a come back. The new map looks ugly too. I've been using a mod to revert the changes (unrelated to my ban) so that fixes it at least. Battle Pass, gacha, no more free random skins(?) suck too. And now reading this post, I feel bad for new players especially with all the new casuals from the previous months. Riot saw that and said "ah, perfect opportunity to introduce the shitty skins system from Valorant into this game!" (Seriously, I've been seeing so many YouTube videos of people complaining about Valorant skins). Hopefully when I come back from my two week ban: (1) none of my friends will feel like playing anymore (they're the only reason I play), and (2) Riot makes the game less snowbally than it already is. A back-and-forth 50 minute tug of war is more fun than a 20 minute "gg go next" experience.

  • I'm really thinking about leaving the game. This is peak enshittification.

  • That's ridiculous.

    Why don't people switch to dots or deadlock? As far as I know every character is unlocked from the start.

    Which is a must have if you want to call your game competitive.

    • I am having a look at Dota, seems interesting but the playerbase is much smaller. Also, Valve doesn't seem too interested into investing in the game.

      Deadlock looks cool but some moba players don't like shooters

  • My Lol days are long behind me (never looked back), but what did they change? Or rather: how enormous must the changes have benn? Sure, new champs were priced significantly higher than old staples (I think around 6000 IP or whatever compared to around 1000 or 2000, even down to 650 or so), but that was an amount you would easily get during play. Sure, if you wanted everything that would take quite a while (the list was already long back then), but Lol is a game that you either play for a few hours only (and realise it's not for you) or you keep at it for hundreds of hours.

    • I also played during the IP time where you got 150 IP per win of the day, and it took you a while to get a new champion, but this is next level.

      Win of the day does not give you Blue Essence (the IP replacement) anymore, just XP for the Battle Pass. You only get 4 random Champion Shards every 4 levels of the Battle Pass.

      Back in the days, 6300 IP / 150 IP per win of the day would mean 42 games, so between 21 and 42 hours.

      The new number is 882. That's crazy.

      Edit: calculation with BE

      They removed 50 BE and 400 XP from the first win of the day.

      50 BE over a period of 1 year is 18250 BE, almost 3 champions for 6300 BE.

      400 XP over a period of 1 year is 146000 XP. If we consider average level up to require 3000 XP, that would mean 48 levels (rounded down). 48 levels equals to 48 champion capsules, you get 800 BE from a capsule on average, so now you are not receiving 38400 BE (!) over a year.