Sovereingty is non-negotiable. You dont give it up under any circumstance, and if someone threatens to take it away, you do like the Ukrainains did to the Russians, you lock and load. Whether that person trying to take it away is a foreign power, or your fucking neighbor. (A traitor)
this is no joking matter. The world is under attack in many places at once by factions that are objectively fascist in nature. the Trump 2.0 MAGA crowd, The Russian Mafia State, The whole Elon Musk Megalomaniac Autistic Billionare trying to change the world thing, Multiple political parties that are subservient to foreign governments, (AfD, NR, Fidesz, SMER, Canadian PPC, and probably the CPC at this rate. and many more)
people with the civic and legal understanding of a 1st grader can pout all they want about how they want Russia America to come to their homes and take over Ukraine Canada because of whatever tinpot reason they boiled up in their drunken rage conversation about bathroom signs on the internet, but understand, there are people who will Kill to prevent that if push came to shove.
Out of curiosity, what kinds of things would a federal government have done to make you feel this sense of pride you're looking for? Are there any governments anywhere that have accomplished that task?
A real charter of rights and freedoms, and a government not composed of people who think their job is to continually erode year by year every citizens' rights and privileges. There's a few out there like that, not many.
Braid is an idiot of the highest order, but I agree with him here. That said, I highly doubt that orange douche nozzle would actually go through with something like this
Free clue: Trump doesn't mean 90% of what he says. He's just a real-world troll who enjoys stirring up shit and watching people run around. Despite his bloviations, most of what he claims he would like to do, he ain't gonna be able to, and based on his previous track record he's going to have forgotten half of it in a year's time anyway.
If you genuinely want to live in a country run by someone like that, I suggest you emigrate and stop bothering those of us who actually want to live in this country. Y'know, the one that doesn't have mass shootings so often that they no longer reliably make the national news, among other things.
I'm curious what in the hell the federal government has done in anyone's lifetime to engender any pride in this country. Canada isn't a people, it's a federal government, the maple leaf, their symbol. Disregarding the off chance there may be a WW2 veteran lurking here, name one thing "Canada" has done to be proud of since 1970. Not something some guy did, not something some hockey players did, one thing that atrocious excuse for a federal government has ever done to instill any pride in their people, that wasn't fucking propaganda exercises. All I can think of is legalizing gays and hiding Vietnam draftees.
Implementing a carbon tax (one of the most effective mechanisms in dealing with climate change, according to most economists and organizations in the climate change sphere.)
Taking on a significant and impressive number of international refugees.
Peacekeeping missions across the globe to many of the most desperate situations and people on Earth.
Rolling out of a national dental plan currently serving low income seniors.
The entire CERB program that was one of the most effective and efficient ways to keep people from the worst of the pandemic... (speaking of which, a death rate of half of Amwrica's iirc.)
A boatload of humanitarian aid and missions, including almost 20 billion to Ukraine.
Fuck's sake, Canada isn't perfect but to say there's nothing to be proud of is either childishly ignorant or trolling.