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Why don't Ukronazis just retreat? Are they stupid?

  • Who even knows with this war anymore? We've been looking at this exact map for almost a year now, moving pixel by pixel. Both sides crying about muh meatgrinder, how it's super duper strategically important for the other side yadda yadda.

    We can't get a clear picture from the ground and I've long stopped putting too much stock in either side's explanations. We'll see in retrospect what happened.

    Till then this dumb fucking battle will keep chewing through working class people from both sides for some random as backwater in Donbass. And then we'll watch some more tens of thousands get slaughtered for Chasov Yar & Seversk and then Kramatorsk & Slavyansk and on and on.

    • this is the honest comment, what do we really know? workers are dying over bourgeois territorial control. does anyone here actually know someone from Donbass? like do they feel liberated yet as their homes lie in further ruins? wonder how they'll get their lives back together after losing their economic/industrial center and their families through an entrenched DMZ border threatening nuclear standoff.

      • Thanks comrade. I feel like many people especially online, even from the ML spectrum, have fallen into this sports-team mentality, totally detaching from the horrific nature of this war.

        That's not to say both sides are the same, etc etc. We all know the causes of this war.

        Still, we've seen the frontline move like 2km in a few selected places in the past 6 months and witnessed tens of thousands dying for it. How's that cause for celebration from anyone? It's fucking awful and senseless and certainly not proper for any principled communist to cheer this carnage on. An entire region of Ukraine is being rendered inhospitable for decades to come. Its people are displaced or fed into the meatgrinder. And for what exactly? To fight the "pedophile, gay satanists" in the West? To fight "Mongolic orcs" in the East? Dogshit.

  • Are they stupid?
