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Wage Theft in Toronto, Statue Vandalism, Police Corruption, & BC’s Drug Decriminalization Canadian Tire Fire #38: Fighting Wage Theft in Toronto, Statue Vandalism, Police Corruption, and BC’s Drug Decriminalization Announcement

This week, the Greater Toronto Area-based Naujawan Support Network was back in action with a strong display of solidarity for a worker fighting for his stolen wages. A large crowd visited the office of Sukh Auto, who owes a former worker $4000. The group has vowed to continue pushing until the worke...

Canadian Tire Fire #38: Fighting Wage Theft in Toronto, Statue Vandalism, Police Corruption, and BC’s Drug Decriminalization Announcement

In Alberta, a group of volunteers has launched a new Police Misconduct Database. The searchable database logs external and internal investigations into police misconduct spanning the last 30 years. Thus far the database focuses on municipal police forces, though the team intends to add data on the Alberta RCMP within the next 6 months. While the Edmonton Police have publicly stated they welcome the site as a resource, communication from the president of the Edmonton Police Association to their members stated that the EPA is discussing the site with legal counsel.