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I feel like all fedi software has problematic devs, Calckey

I feel like almost every single piece of software has some problematic dev that has racism, transphobia, or both. I recently read a post about the calc key devs and sighed *facepalm. It is honestly really annoying cause I want friends to use Fedi but than you can pull up a whole laundry list of problems with the devs and it's like (welp, signing up for threads). I feel like people care a ton when it's the small instance, vs a megacorp. Like Meta has a horrible issue with transphobia and racism but it only seems to matter if it's a smaller project for some reason

  • Well, the good news is that the "fediverse" is actually built on a web standard (ActivityPub), which you implement in any software you want. :) What that means is that the "the fediverse" is more comparable to "the web" than to a given social network. There are people building websites you won't agree with, same goes with fediverse software. Move on and find those that you like, or build them. The fact that it's built on web standards mean that anyone can decide to add their own software without concerting with anyone else, without asking permission from anyone else, you just build and publish. That's what made the web so strong since its beginning, and that's IMO a core advantage of ActivityPub compared to other decentralization projects.

    • I know this!, the issue is 90% of people don't. If the devs on calckey are semi problematic they won't use it and use threads, bsky, or honestly just twitter. I feel like they hold foss software to a higher standard.

      • If the devs on calckey are semi problematic they won’t use it and use threads, bsky, or honestly just twitter.

        So they conclude that someone working on a piece of open source software is “semi problematic” (although quite how they are on why this impacts the project) and yet they’ll use software from companies run by a soulless android laser-focused on world domination or flaming trashcan of old memes in human form hellbent on burning the world down around him?

        I think you need better friends and I think your friends need a slap. This doesn’t seem to be a problem with Fediverse software and more an issue with the critical thinking ability of those you hang around with.

      • Why? What do I care about the devs? It's open source so it doesn't matter. The code belongs to anyone who wants to use it.

      • I'm curious as I'm ignorant of this - what problematic behaviour has the Calckey dev demonstrated?

  • I'm not here to defend racism, phobias, or any other kind of discriminatory behavior. But if you look deep enough into anybody, you're going to find something you or someone you know doesn't like. I can guarantee it. Are some of the original developers of a specific set of software "problematic"? Yup. Have more contributors come forward and added to the software in meaningful ways since then? Yup.

    Do you use Linux? Windows? Mac OS? Do you use Ethernet? Wifi? What about IP, or TCP, or even application protocols like HTTP? Do you enjoy TLS and AES encryption? What about the Internet as a concept? Every single one of these was developed by fallible people, funded by organizations I bet you'd have problems with. The military industrial complex has contributed heavily to every single one of the above technologies.

    And just for the record, a lot of the people that originally designed the ActivityStream and ActivityPub standards were people concerned about marginalized Internet users. Use the software, choose an instance that's like-minded, contribute improvements where you have expertise, and move on. The original developers of the Lemmy software don't matter, nor do their politics or their biases. They simply wrote some Rust and Javascript to run a webserver and interface that saves data to a database. What you do with that tool is what really matters.

  • For the love of god can you goofballs stop trashing opensource developers. They are creating software for you for free take the gift and stop the bitching.

  • I absolutely disagree about all fediverse devs being problematic. @ernest is the dev of KBin, and everything I've seen of or about him shows he's a good person and a gem.

    Also, there's a vast difference between being a bit of an asshole sometimes, depending on your point of view (like Linus Torvalds), and trying to justify genocide (lemmy devs).

  • I am active on the main server since bevor there where 300 users on that server.

    I can say that the devs off calckey( now firefish) are not reactionary or a problem.
    They react quick to moderation and server problems. The care for the community and marginalized people. There are queere people part of the team.

    Buuuut, if you dont like it you can use Hajkey or iceshrimp(both forks of calckey).