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Does anyone else get marketing emails despite unsubscribing dozens of times?


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  • Do not unsub. Mark as spam. Unsubbing is confirming you're human and basically giving them a data point.

    If you get a first email after a purchase, unsub then and there, once. After that, any email from the perpetrator should be spammed.

    Source: Email security and sanitation has been a huge part of my work for years.

    • Since this is GOG, I want to lean on the side of caution and say this is a bug. I've unsubscribed from worse, data-hungry companies and they respected that choice.

    • Do not unsub. Mark as spam.

      Why Not Both?

      Email security and sanitation has been a huge part of my work for years.

      There are a lot of "cool tips and tricks to minimize email spam" I've seen over the years. None of them ever seem to actually work. Same with phone spam. Everyone claims to have a magic bullet. I've yet to meet the person who can sincerely claim they don't get inundated with the shit one way or another.

      The best tools for spam mitigation I've seen are

      • Brand new account (email/phone number/etc)
      • Service explicitly dedicated to doing the screening for you (Gmail has historically done an excellent job of keeping my Primary mail tab free of junk).
      • Abandoning the service entirely

      But after that... we have a team at our office who tries to do spam mitigation and its only gotten worse year over year. Went on vacation for a week and when I got back 2 out of 3 emails (for a company address I only use internally) were [EXTERNAL] spam messages.

      What I wouldn't give for an administration that unleashed the fucking NSA on spammers.