I think I've figured out how I want to build a colony now.
I packed up all my stuff and moved to a new area with my colonists.
This is day 12 of my new area. I've decided to mostly stay in one corner. I need to build a killbox next but don't know where I want to put it yet. Hopefully no raids show up soon!!
Summer of the next year. I've built out some more farming to get some food supplies, deathstrand and cotton. I've also built a mortar area. I'm currently trying to figure out pigs.
My killbox design is working well, but I want to change things up...
My first winter in the new area just started. I've moved my killbox to be as close as possible to the core of my base, but I haven't gotten to test it against a good raid yet!
I'm building a wall around the entire quadrant I'm occupying. I'm selling my extra animals but it's seemingly hard to sell them quickly enough!!
I built my killbox and had my first raid, unfortunately they didn't path into my base. I think I need to move the killbox closer to the center of my base.