Tony and Laurie are joined by the Shuttle Pod‘s Matt Wright this week. They kick off with the latest news including a wrestler added to the cast of Starfleet Academy, more details about the Section 31 movie, and the addition of The Wrath of Khan to the National Film Registry. The trio then digs into...
I loved Lower Decks, and I hope somehow those stories continue. Did people who are new to Star Trek enjoy it, too?
As an aside, I think that was something that made Prodigy fantastic: it was a serialized program with episodic stories that didn't require any understanding of Star Trek beforehand. The main characters weren't part of the Federation, so the audience got to learn alongside them.
I had never watched startreck and i loved lower decks. I did know enough to get some of the basic references, but im sure some went over my head.
In all i think LD was a good starting point for me. I enjoyed the humor and how it didn't take itself too seriously.
I've since tried another series (enterprise since it's the first chronologically) and its fine though i do wish it was a bit more fun. I'm hoping I'll enjoy some of the other iterations a bit more, and am looking forward to rewatching lower decks once I get back to where it's at in the chronology.
It depends. The Cerritos is passingly mentioned in Prodigy, which suggests at least one version (probably ours) of the Cerritos is in the prime timeline.