Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :)
Be thankful to those who try to help you.
If you ask a question and someone has made an effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :)
Only post about stuff related to perchance.
Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site.
Search through the Community Before Posting
Please Search through the Community Posts here (and on Reddit) before posting to see if what you will post has similar post/already been posted.
Here are some optional tags to add in your title to categorize the posts. These are merely tags, you still need to title your post effectively.
[Bug] - if you think you find any bug in Perchance, use this tag.
[Question] or [Help] - this is to denote that your post is a question or requesting for help
[Suggestion] - for any suggestions in Perchance
[Feedback] or [Appreciation] - for any feedback or appreciation to any generator or to Perchance in general.
[{Generator Category}] - Used to share any generator with the specified category
We would like to ask to refrain from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (text-to-image-plugin and ai-text-plugin) e.g. "What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"
There are guides, tutorials, and resources on the internet that can be applied when prompting in the AI tools in Perchance.
We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins as long as it is related to building generators with them.
If you need help in prompting, please post on the 'sister' forum at Casual Perchance
Feel free to ask for help but please check out these tips on searching for an answer:
Check the following pages, to see if your question has already been answered or talked about or a plugin has been made for it. We recommend using the browser's search function (ctrl+f) and searching for similar keywords to your question/problem.