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a11y (digital accessibility) 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

W3C, DAISY and NISO co-hosted webinar: Advancing Digital Accessibility for Scientific & Technical Publications W3C, DAISY and NISO co-hosted webinar: Advancing Digital Accessibility for Scientific & Technical Publications

The 1st webinar in a series open to the public to advance the accessibility of scientific & technical publications

W3C, DAISY and NISO co-hosted webinar: Advancing Digital Accessibility for Scientific & Technical Publications

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W3C, DAISY and NISO are co-hosting a webinar: Advancing Digital Accessibility for Scientific & Technical Publications

The DAISY Consortium, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) invite you to this Webinar happening on December 17, 10:00-11:30 AM Eastern time, 15:00–16:30 UTC.