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[Release][v1.48.0] Change password, user tags, and much more...

This is a pretty big release and there isn't really a theme. It's just a lot of features people have asked for. Enjoy!

P.S. this release changes some of the default settings in the app. In particular they enable multi-line headers in post comments and also profile pictures for the commenter. This is mostly due to screen space usage. After a ton of testing, I think these new defaults should make better use of the screen space and reduce issues with information being truncated. All of these changes can be reversed in the settings if you do not like them.

Full changelog

  • Added "Change password" option to the account settings page.
  • Added an option to only expand one comment thread when viewing a single comment.
  • Added a setting to show/hide the scroll bar on the post feed.
  • Added support for user tags.
  • Changed the inbox message screen. Sending a reply on the message screen will cause the context screen to update with the comment once it is posted.
  • Fixed a bug where comments were not highlighted when they should be. Eg. when a comment is focused.
  • Changing some of the default settings. These changes were made as comment header space is limited and these settings improved the layout for comment headers.
    • Use condensed typeface for comment headers: False -> True
    • Comments: Show profile icons: False -> True


There was a design error for the release. There is a slight dimming effect applied to the headers for comments. However this change was supposed to only affect comments. However it was mistakenly applied to all headers. I will issue a fix for this shortly.