Massive STALKER fan, and I like STALKER 2—my playtime proves it—but I also hate it. When Fallout 4 released, I had a similar experience: piling in hours and coming away with a negative perspective. Anyway, STALKER 2 is no different.
I will bullet point the issues:
Unkillable Monolithian snipers in watchtowers. (Believe me, I’ve tried.)
Ridiculously punishing anomaly. I call it "flashbag"—don’t know the canon name and don’t care. It’ll be modded out as soon as someone (maybe me) gets to it.
Mutant health is ridiculously high.
No binoculars and a general lack of tools to technically plan operations. (Likely a technical limitation.)
Cheap scripted events in the main quest, like spawning mutants out of nowhere.
Zero companionship with other stalkers throughout quests. Not asking for Skyrim-style companions, but we’re in the Zone—of course, we’d form groups for some missions. (Probably a technical limitation.)
No real need for sniper rifles. (Same technical issue as the lack of binoculars.)
After years of evolution, I’d have expected GSC to lean more into survival elements—more meds, an actual need to sleep, food, and drink. Instead, these are just gimmicks.
Resource abundance and lack of variation. Endless salami, tinned tuna, vodka, and ammo everywhere.
Lack of missions from NPCs like wanderers and barkeeps.
AI is bad, both for humans and mutants.
Subtitles or English dub replacing dialogue windows is not great for dyslexics like me who enjoy the Slavic voice acting. (Bring some looout! next time.)
Awful economy, though it has improved somewhat since day one.
Weapon and armor degradation happens way too fast.
No NPC side chatter, which makes the world feel less alive.
NPC longevity is nonexistent apart from bases—and I’ve even lost three friendly bases.
Dog and rat animations are terrible. Dogs look weird and slinky; rats are stiff and awkward.
Overall buggy game: main and side quests often require console commands to fix, invisible electric anomalies, infinite spawns, too many bloodsuckers, and mercs randomly spawning on a ladderless watchtower in Army Warehouse.
Stats have been dumbed down to weak, medium, strong, and bars instead of numbers.
Missing indicators for PSI tolerance and buffs from food, drinks, and meds.
Removed minimap (which I’d disable anyway) replaced with a mindless "walk that way" compass, straight out of Oblivion.
TTK difficulty slider removed in favor of a Fallout-style bullet-sponge slider.
**fitting a rail to a weapon does not mean all rail attachments will fit.
There’s more, and I’ll keep adding. If anyone else has nagging critiques, I’d love to hear them.
Back to my Fallout 4 point: STALKER isn’t Fallout. It has no business being Fallout, but the newest entry in the STALKER world plays like a mindless looter shooter. Sadly, my monkey brain can’t put it down once I’ve started.
Just to sweeten this negative pit, I’ll add bits I like about this entry:
Every location—from small towns to single rooms in apartment blocks—is hand-crafted, as if the dev working on them spent hours telling a story through set design. It’s been a while since I played any open-world RPG, but Skyrim and Oblivion don’t even hold a candle to the level of polish in some of these spaces in STALKER.
I’m probably one of the lucky ones when it comes to performance. The game runs at 100fps most of the time. That’s not to say I don’t get crashes or need to restart for whatever issues plague this game, but overall, performance has been decent.
The Arch anomalies are stunning and, so far, very interesting to interact with.
No load screens after loading a save! After years of Anomaly, staring at the bar creeping slowly to the right and thinking, "One day I won’t have to deal with this," it feels like a luxury.
Intill stalker 2s A-alife is fixed I would say yes don't play the newest entry it would ruin the image of stalker. CoP is the best stalker game to start with.