Got my license in 2000 when I was 12. Spent the next few years VHF/UHF only until I finally upgraded to General. I'm still General but got laid off from work so I'm considering spending some of my free time working on upgrading.
Awesome! I tested into Technician + General in one go, but in practice I've been working mostly in the VHF//UHF space. I had originally intended to get an Amateur Extra license, but until I really bump up against some restrictions I need to focus on just getting a basic setup.
W6KME, Keith. CVARC (education Director, Field Day coordinator), VCARS (Secretary), VCARC (plain old regular ham). ARRL VE, instructor, ACS/ARES for Ventura County CA. Perpetual newbie and student. Co-founder and current manager of the BORED Net Group, which runs a daily VHF net, monthly µField Day (read "micro field day"), and annual Silent Key memorial, and some much larger events in planning.