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[SOLVED] Error "user_already_exists" from saveUserSettings

I'm getting a "user_already_exists" error from /user/save_user_settings no matter what settings I try to change. The JWT is valid, and this is happening on multiple instances the same (,, etc.) Anyone have any ideas why I'd be getting this? Here's my payload:

  show_bot_accounts: true,
  auth: token

Edit: This issue describes a bug where this happens when the avatar field is not included. Just tested it and that's the same problem I'm running into. I fixed it temporarily by passing the current avatar url.

  • I also found this exact error happens if you change nothing! The error is confusing.. if you set a setting to the same value (true, false, false all in a row). I actually consider that buggy, as with all the server crashes retries to the API are kind of the norm in July ;)

    • I know, we're all here trying to find temporary workarounds for these types of things haha, it'll get better