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PostgreSQL for Lemmy instance installers/operators/upgraders

Diving in, I haven't worked with PostgreSQL for 15 years, but sharing random notes and obsrervations

  • pg_repack is a heavy duty extension for performance optimizaton:

  • These instructions assume you installed "Lemmy from scratch" on Linux (as opposed to Docker, or FreeBSD instead of Linux, etc).

    Linux shell on server of instance

    Change users to the database Linux account:
    sudo -iu postgres
    Open the PostgreSQL shell client application:

    query the database server about table locks

    select * from pg_locks;

    • from psql shell, list the lemmy_server tables

      connect to the database named "lemmy":
      \c lemmy
      You are now connected to database "lemmy" as user "postgres".

      List the tables in the database:

                        List of relations
       Schema |            Name            | Type  | Owner 
       public | __diesel_schema_migrations | table | lemmy
       public | activity                   | table | lemmy
       public | admin_purge_comment        | table | lemmy
       public | admin_purge_community      | table | lemmy
       public | admin_purge_person         | table | lemmy
       public | admin_purge_post           | table | lemmy
       public | comment                    | table | lemmy
       public | comment_aggregates         | table | lemmy
       public | comment_like               | table | lemmy
       public | comment_reply              | table | lemmy
       public | comment_report             | table | lemmy
       public | comment_saved              | table | lemmy
       public | community                  | table | lemmy
       public | community_aggregates       | table | lemmy
       public | community_block            | table | lemmy
       public | community_follower         | table | lemmy
       public | community_language         | table | lemmy
       public | community_moderator        | table | lemmy
       public | community_person_ban       | table | lemmy
       public | email_verification         | table | lemmy
       public | federation_allowlist       | table | lemmy
       public | federation_blocklist       | table | lemmy
       public | instance                   | table | lemmy
       public | language                   | table | lemmy
       public | local_site                 | table | lemmy
       public | local_site_rate_limit      | table | lemmy
       public | local_user                 | table | lemmy
       public | local_user_language        | table | lemmy
       public | mod_add                    | table | lemmy
       public | mod_add_community          | table | lemmy
       public | mod_ban                    | table | lemmy
       public | mod_ban_from_community     | table | lemmy
       public | mod_feature_post           | table | lemmy
       public | mod_hide_community         | table | lemmy
       public | mod_lock_post              | table | lemmy
       public | mod_remove_comment         | table | lemmy
       public | mod_remove_community       | table | lemmy
       public | mod_remove_post            | table | lemmy
       public | mod_transfer_community     | table | lemmy
       public | password_reset_request     | table | lemmy
       public | person                     | table | lemmy
       public | person_aggregates          | table | lemmy
       public | person_ban                 | table | lemmy
       public | person_block               | table | lemmy
       public | person_follower            | table | lemmy
       public | person_mention             | table | lemmy
       public | person_post_aggregates     | table | lemmy
       public | post                       | table | lemmy
       public | post_aggregates            | table | lemmy
       public | post_like                  | table | lemmy
       public | post_read                  | table | lemmy
       public | post_report                | table | lemmy
       public | post_saved                 | table | lemmy
       public | private_message            | table | lemmy
       public | private_message_report     | table | lemmy
       public | registration_application   | table | lemmy
       public | secret                     | table | lemmy
       public | site                       | table | lemmy
       public | site_aggregates            | table | lemmy
       public | site_language              | table | lemmy
       public | tagline                    | table | lemmy
      (61 rows)
      • query to list Community joins that are pending

        SELECT * FROM community_follower WHERE pending='t';

        This kind of query I'd like to work on adding to the server admin screens for operators.

        query to list Communities by name

        SELECT id,instance_id,name,title,local,published FROM community ORDER BY name;

        edit: tickle federation replication